Environmental services of tree vegetation of the parks of Texcoco de Mora, State of Mexico





arboles urbanos, calidad de vida, cambio climático, captura de carbono, infraestructura verde, i-Tree


Urban trees play an important role within cities due to the environmental services they provide and their contribution to mitigating the current climate crisis. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the tree vegetation of five public parks in the Texcoco de Mora municipality in order to estimate the environmental services they provide. A census was carried out per park and the data were processed through the i-Tree® Eco v6 software. 1 325 individuals from 23 families and 37 genera were recorded with a richness of 55 species in the five parks, an average density of 157 trees ha-1 and a total of 242.6 megagrams of carbon storage with a carbon capture of 10.5 Mg year-1. The avoided rain runoff was 481 m3 year-1 and the value represented by these environmental services is MXN $894 514.93 for carbon storage, MXN $38 650 annually for carbon capture, and MXN $481.93 for runoff. The replacement value of the trees reaches MXN $24 408 534. A tree cover of 30 485 m2 was estimated, which represents a factor of 0.86 m2 inhabitant-1. It is concluded that Texcoco is below the recommended factor of trees per inhabitant proposed by the UN. It is necessary to study the green areas, medians, alignment trees and community parks, to achieve a more complete panorama of the municipality.


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How to Cite

Mancilla Morales, Miguel, Leopoldo Mohedano Caballero, Ro Linx Granados Victorino, Diódoro Granados-Sánchez, and Alejandro Corona Ambriz. 2024. “Environmental Services of Tree Vegetation of the Parks of Texcoco De Mora, State of Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (82). México, ME:69-88. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v15i82.1452.



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