Diversity and germination analysis of tree and shrub species of ecological interest in a burned area





Protected Natural Area, Temperate forest, Degradation, Fire, Importance Value Index, Ecological restoration


The vegetation of an ecosystem can be degraded by forest fires; which are caused by human or natural actions and generally reduce the diversity and composition of species, as well as their natural regeneration. This work was carried out in a temperate forest degraded by forest fires in the El Tejocote Natural Protected Area, Santiago municipality, Nuevo León State. The objectives were to calculate the Importance Value Index, analyze species diversity and determine the percentage of germination. Sampling was carried out in 10 random plots of 1 000 m2. The Importance Value Index (IVI), diversity indexes (Margalef, Shannon-Weiner and Simpson) and the germination percentages were determined for each species. Pinus teocote had the highest IVI (45.5 %), it was also the most dominant, covering 69 % of the sampled area. Quercus laeta had 25 % IVI and was the most abundant of all species (39 %). Agave scabra and Arbutus xalapensis had IVIs of 7.9 % and 6.9 %, respectively; both were classified as shrubs. A low diversity was obtained in all the sites sampled; the average values were: Margalef (0.74), Shannon-Weiner (0.46), and Simpson (0.77). The highest germination percentages were presented by Pinus pseudostrobus (97.40 %) and Agave scabra (84 %). The difference in the germination capacity of taxa could change the diversity and species composition of the El Tejocote community after its degradation by fire.


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How to Cite

Gárate Escamilla, Homero Alejandro, Aldo Tovar Cárdenas, Enrique Jurado Ybarra, Mauricio Cotera Correa, Eduardo Alanís Rodríguez, and Maritza Gutiérrez Gutiérrez. 2023. “Diversity and Germination Analysis of Tree and Shrub Species of Ecological Interest in a Burned Area”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 14 (79). México, ME:317-31. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v14i79.1352.



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