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Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales publishes original and unpublished research results in the format of articles, review articles and research notes. These structure as follows:

Scientific article. The text will have a maximum of 20 pages, including tables and figures. The article incorporates unpublished information analyzed by means of models and statistic tests; it comprises the sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Contribution by author, Declaration of Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements and References.

Review article. Commented dissertation on any topic of forestry interest or related that may or may not incorporate solid data. Its structure allows including a discursive text substantiated with references and conclusive aspects. It follows the characteristics mentioned for Scientific Articles regarding extension, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Development and discussion of the topic, Conclusions and References.

Research note. The text follows the format of Scientific Articles, however it refers to proximal or partial results on a concluded or ongoing research. Its extension is 10 pages maximum, including tables and figures. The sections must be: Abstract, Key words, Development of the topic and References.