Collection policy

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales charges the authors for submitting and processing articles for publication: in order to receive them a fee of 900 MXN (Nine hundred  Mexican Pesos) has to be paid, while for publication there is a fee of 600 MXN (Six hundred Mexican Pesos) per each published page (translation and edition expenses).

Payments have to be made as a bank deposit to INIFAP/ CENID-COMEF, to account number 0657617851, interbank code (CLABE Interbancaria) 072 180 00657617851 2, Grupo Financiero BANORTE, Bank branch No. 2037. In case of international subscriptions, the corresponding SWIFT key is: MENOMXMT. A copy of the bank receipt has to be sent by email. If the payment is by check, make it payable to INIFAP/CENID-COMEF.

For payments from abroad, $US additional 20 for bank commission should be considered.