Sawnwood production functions in the Community Forest Enterprise in Mexico


  • Edgar Arturo Sanchez Moreno Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México
  • José María Salas González Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México
  • Sergio Pérez Elizalde Colegio de Postgraduados. México
  • Marcos Portillo Vasquez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México
  • José Luis Romo Lozano Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México



Competitiveness, Cobb-Douglas function, Econometric model, Marginal Revenue Product, returns to scale.


Three production models for sawnwood were generated in 35 Community Forest Companies (CFEs) located in 10 states of México, which were classified based on variables related to: production inputs, continuous variables, and nominal variables that affect productivity. For Model I the variables L and K were highly significant (p-value <0.001). Variables L and VD in model II were highly significant and variable K was significant at 0.16 % (p-value <0.05). The CA, CM, CI, PO and PTD variables had no effect on productivity. For model III, high significance was obtained for the variables L and VD (p-value <0.001), K was significant at 0.95 % (p-value <0.01), Figura Legal Privada (FL2) and Figura Legal Sociedad (FL3) were significant at 0.1 % (p-value <0.001) and 2.9 % (p -value <0.05), respectively. Competitiveness in the use of resources was measured with the Marginal Product Value (MPV). The hypothesis of non-competitive use for input L in model II (0.1 %) was rejected. For Model III, Ho PmgL-PL = 0 was rejected in the CFEs located in the states of Oaxaca and Quintana Roo (p-value <0.05) and Ho: PmgK-PK = 0 was rejected for the CFEs located in Chiapas and Oaxaca (p-value <0.01). Finally, the MPV for VD in models II and III using aggregated data at the national level Ho: PmgVD-PVD = 0 was rejected (p-value <0.001).


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How to Cite

Sanchez Moreno, Edgar Arturo, José María Salas González, Sergio Pérez Elizalde2, Marcos Portillo Vasquez, and José Luis Romo Lozano. 2021. “Sawnwood Production Functions in the Community Forest Enterprise in Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 12 (67). México, ME.



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