TABLAS DE VOLUMEN PARA Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.


  • H. Jesús Muñoz Flores Campo Experimental Uruapan. INIFAP-CIRPAC Ave. Latinoamericana No, 1101. C.P. 60150, Uruapan, Michoacán, México


Cubication, Eucalyptus camaldtJlensis, Srnalian formula, Michoacan, tree plantations, volume tables


As Eucalyptus is an exotic genus in Mexico, there is scarce information about its productivity, which is a limitation for foresters. In the actual study, a 1961 Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation was assessed, in arder to determine tour volume tables of one or two entries with or without bark, that will be used to make an estimation of the tree volume of Morelia county of the Mexican state of Michoacan. 139 trees were selected, which were logged and cut to make posts. Diameters and bark thickness were measured for each lag. Height interval was from 10.0 to 5m, and diarneter interval was from 7.00 to 35 cm; these were ordered into twelve 2.5 categories. Cubication was calculated by using the Smalian fo·mula wíth a 95 confidence per cent and 11,88 error per cent for an infinite popl1lation; eleven regression models were tested for one-entry volume tables and eight for those of double-entry. Results show that the best rnodel for one-entry volurne tables was Log (VOL) = a+b (11D. 5) and Log (VOL) = a+b Log (D) = + CLog(H) for the double-entry. These tables can be used to determine volume with or without bark, and tree height up to a minimum apex-diameter of 5 cm with bark. They refer, too, to the stem volume from the sturnp (0.30 cm); they do not include branch or stump wood. 


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How to Cite

Muñoz Flores, H. Jesús. 2020. “TABLAS DE VOLUMEN PARA Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehnh”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 25 (88). México, ME:75-92.