Model for estimating Litsea parvifolia (Hemsl.) Mez. dry leaf biomass


  • Eulalia Edith Villavicencio Gutierrez Campo Experimental Saltillo. CIR-Noreste, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. México
  • Santiago Mendoza-Morales Departamento Forestal, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro
  • Jorge Méndez Gonzalez Departamento Forestal, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro



Allometry, biomass, dry leaf, forest management, non-timber, weighted regression


Litsea parvifolia is an ever-green shrub of the Lauraceae family whose foliar biomass is its main component. Its leaves are harvested and marketed in and around the southeastern region of Saltillo municipality, Coahuila State. Fresh, it has culinary and medicinal use; dry, it is used as condiment. In order to regulate its use and determining its stock, an allometric model was selected to estimate the dry foliar biomass and the elaboration of a production table of the standing shrubs was planned as well. Natural populations were evaluated, recording the total height (H, cm) and mean diameter (Dp, cm) of the shrub crown, considering all categories of height and cover of standing shrubs and dry leaf biomass (Bfs, g). Ten allometric models were evaluated using the PROC MODEL procedure in SAS, version 9.4. Dp and H are correlated with laurel Bfs. The Schumacher-Hall model in its non-linear form is statistically reliable (p <0.0001) as it records the best statistics, with presence of heteroscedasticity, corrected effect with a weighted regression with variance structure (Dp2H)-0.5, obtaining an R2aj. of 0.82, Sxy of 18.41 g and a CV of 44.93 %. The model can be used to estimate the production of Bfs in places with similar ecological characteristics to the study area.


Author Biography

Santiago Mendoza-Morales, Departamento Forestal, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro




How to Cite

Villavicencio Gutierrez, Eulalia Edith, Santiago Mendoza-Morales, and Jorge Méndez Gonzalez. 2020. “Model for Estimating Litsea Parvifolia (Hemsl.) Mez. Dry Leaf Biomass”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 11 (58). México, ME.



Scientific article
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