Self-thinning and density management in even-aged Pinus patula Schiede ex Schlechtdl. & Cham. stands


  • J. Alberto Camacho-Montoya Graduado Maestría en Ciencias, Universidad de la Sierra Juárez Avenida Universidad s/n, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, México, 68725
  • Wenceslao Santiago Universidad de la Sierra Juárez
  • Gerardo Rodríguez- Ortiz División de Estudios de Postgrado e Investigación, Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca
  • Pablo Antúnez Instituto de Estudios Ambientales-División de Estudios de Postgrado, Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Avenida Universidad s/n, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, México, 68725
  • Elías Santiago-García Dirección Técnica Forestal de la comunidad de Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca
  • Mario Ernesto Suarez-Mota Instituto de Estudios Ambientales-División de Estudios de Postgrado, Universidad de la Sierra Juárez. Avenida Universidad s/n, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, México, 68725



Competition, density management diagram, stand density index, thinning regime, stochastic frontier regression model, Reineke


The community of Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca has a significant timber potential due to the high productivity of the forest. One of the most important species is Pinus patula, because of the abundant distribution, high commercial value and rapid growth. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the limits of the possible maximum density that the stands can sustain to lead actions to control competition and growth space. In this study, the maximum density line (self-thinning) was estimated under the Reineke model through two approaches: (1) ordinary least squares (OLS) and (2) stochastic frontier regression (SFR), the last with half-normal and truncated-normal models. A total of 64 permanent sampling plots of 400 m2 in even-aged stands of P. patula were used. The estimate of the upper bound of the self-thinning with SFR approach with half-normal form was more efficient and let to know the maximum density index of even-aged stands. The upper bound of self-thinning line is the primary input for the construction of a stand density management diagram, which is essential tool for the definition of regimes of thinning and growth space optimization.


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How to Cite

Camacho-Montoya, J. Alberto, Wenceslao Santiago, Gerardo Rodríguez- Ortiz, Pablo Antúnez, Elías Santiago-García, and Mario Ernesto Suarez-Mota. 2018. “Self-Thinning and Density Management in Even-Aged Pinus Patula Schiede Ex Schlechtdl. & Cham. Stands”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 9 (49). México, ME.



Scientific article