Soils degradation
Soil resource, degradation, quality, La Malinche volcano, edaphic propertiesAbstract
Forestal soil provides different ecosystem services that are not free from the degradation phenomenon – situation that has a bearing on the forest structure. Particularly notable in La Malinche Park National Protected Area (NPA) in Tlaxcala, Mexico shows large surfaces with different perturbation conditions. Thus, the objective of this research is to determine physical and chemical properties of the forestal soils to obtain quality markers by the principal component analysis (PCA). Two sites were selected (San Francisco Tetlanohcan and Teolocholco). Within each, five points considered showed different perturbation and vegetation conditions. The results show greater sand percentage in all the soils (> 70%), apparent density of > 1 g cm-3, low organic matter content under all the types of soil and variability with respect to the nutrimental part. However, phosphorous content was high in all soils, possibly depending on the vegetation type and condition within each type of the points. The PCA allowed identifying the apparent density, porosity, usable humidity, pH, catonic exchange capacity and the nutrimental part to be used to determine phycial and chemical quality of the forestal soils. Rehabilitation strategies should be designed directed to stop soil degradation within the NPA.
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