Biological control of Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O´Donnell 1998 with Trichoderma harzianum Rifai 1969 in Pinus devoniana Lindl.
Biocontrol, calidad de planta, fitopatógeno, Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O´'Donnell 1998, hongo antagonista, incidenciaAbstract
The drying or seedbed evil caused by Fusarium circinatum is a problem of importance in plant production in forest nurseries. The aim of this study was to assess Trichoderma harzianum as an alternative to prevent F. circinatum with the method of application and the use of two mixtures of substrates: (1) Peat moss, agrolite and vermiculite, and (2) Sawdust, pine bark and peat moss. Three forms of application of T. harzianum were made: to the substrate, to the seed and without the fungus, which gave a total of 12 treatments with completely at random factorial arrangement (2×3×2). The effect of the substrate was evaluated, the form of application of T. harzianum and its interaction on the pathogenicity and incidence of F. circinatum and the morphological properties of the seedlings. The results indicate that the morphological characteristics in the growth of the strain coincide with those described for F. circinatum and turned out to be pathogenic when causing disease. The pathogenicity of F. circinatum decreased in those treatments where T. harzianum was applied to the substrate, showing a positive response in the sawdust-based mixture and ensuring a better plant quality. The application of T. harzianum to the substrate and the use of sawdust-based mixture can serve as an option for the F. circinatum fungus, providing better plant quality indexes.
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