Analysis of land use change in the gallery forests of Linares, Nuevo León State




Agriculture, annual rate of change, multitemporal analysis, remote sensing


Gallery forests are plant communities that grow along rivers and streams. They provide numerous ecosystem services, but like other vegetation associations they are strongly threatened by anthropic activities such as agriculture. The objective of the present study was to know the current state of the gallery forests of Linares municipality, state of Nuevo León, by means of a multitemporal analysis of land use change and vegetation cover in four periods: 1995-2008, 2008-2014, 2014-2022 and 1995-2022. The analysis used high-resolution space images from the Airbus Defence and Space, GeoEye-1 and Birdseye satellites. The net change and relative percentage change for each type of land use was determined over time, as well as the annual rate of change using the equation proposed by Puyravaud. As a result, a loss of coverage of gallery forests and an increase in agricultural area was found. Over a period of 27 years (1995-2022), the annual rate of change for gallery forests was -0.55 %, whereas for agriculture it was 0.51 %. Considering the values obtained, it is concluded that the area of the gallery forests of Linares municipality tends to decrease according to the time to become agricultural land. It is important to stop this trend, as gallery forests play an important role in protecting biodiversity, water and soil resources and must be recovered and preserved.


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How to Cite

Hernández-Cavazos, María Cecilia, Eduardo Alanís-Rodríguez, Dr. Rufino Sandoval García, Víctor Manuel Molina-Guerra, Javier Jiménez-Pérez, Oscar Alberto Aguirre-Calderón, and Luis Gerardo Cuellar Rodríguez. 2024. “Analysis of Land Use Change in the Gallery Forests of Linares, Nuevo León State”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (83). México, ME:155-67.



Research note