Total-stem volume and taper equations for commercial species in the temperate ecosystem of the state of Puebla, Mexico




Total tree volume, stem volume, crown volume, taper function


In forestry, accurate estimation of timber volume is essential for forest management in temperate forests. The objective of the present research was to generate equations of the total tree volume (Vtt), stem volume (Vs), and stem profile for Pinus ayacahuite, Pinus leiophylla, Pinus hartwegii, Pinus montezumae, Pinus patula, Pinus pseudostrobus, Pinus teocote, Abies religiosa and Quercus sp. in productive landscapes of a temperate ecosystem in the state of Puebla, Mexico. A sample of 1 676 trees was collected by destructive sampling. Based on the dendrometric type, the Vs, Vtt, and crown volume (Vc) were obtained. The volume of branches and twigs with diameters less than 5 cm was estimated using a xylometer and the Berkhout nonlinear model. The Schumacher-Hall model was fitted for the Vtt and the Vs with weighted regression in order to correct for heteroscedasticity. The Biging function was used to describe the stem profile, fitted with nonlinear generalized least squares to correct for autocorrelation. The goodness of fit of the equations are above 96 %, and the bias is below 0.04 m3. The statistical results show that the differential equation system predicts with certainty the Vtt, Vs, as well as the taper of commercial species in the temperate forests of Puebla, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Monárrez González, José Carlos, Marco Antonio Márquez Linares, Juan Antonio López Hernández, Gustavo Pérez Verdín, Geronimo Quiñonez Barraza, and Xavier Garcia Cuevas. 2024. “Total-Stem Volume and Taper Equations for Commercial Species in the Temperate Ecosystem of the State of Puebla, Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (84). México, ME:4-28.



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