Differences in the response of dendroecological indicators to climatic and topographic conditions.


  • Marco Aurelio González Tagle Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
  • Marcos González Cásares Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Wibke Himmelsbach Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Homero Alejandro Gárate-Escamilla Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León




Dendroecology, basal area increment, aspect, Pinus arizonica


Vegetation dynamics in forest ecosystems are commonly attributed to climatic factors. However, there is still limited knowledge on how topography influences the climatic sensitivity of forest species. The response of dendroecological indicators of Pinus arizonica to topographic exposure and climatic variability was determined. Ring width indices (IAA) and basal area increments (IAB) were obtained. Correlation was calculated between AAI and monthly records of cumulative precipitation (PP) and mean temperatures (Tmax and Tmin) in three periods, 1990-2000 (B1), 2001-2011 (B2) and 2012-2021 (B3). Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis tests were performed to test for differences in IAB by exposure (northwest, NW and northeast, NE) and by time block, respectively. Tmax limited growth in all three periods, Tmin restricted it in B2 and PP favored it in B1 and B2. Higher IAB was detected in the NO exposure (16.10 cm2) compared to NE (10.66 cm2). There was a significant increase in IAB in the B2 (15.24 cm²) and B3 (15.17 cm²) periods compared to B1 (10.17 cm²). This highlights the importance of considering topography when analyzing climate-growth associations of forest species. Considering the interaction of climatic factors and microclimates associated with site-specific topography generates an integral vision of ecological processes. This allows proposing better forest management strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change.



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How to Cite

González Tagle, Marco Aurelio, Marcos González Cásares, Wibke Himmelsbach, and Homero Alejandro Gárate-Escamilla. 2024. “Differences in the Response of Dendroecological Indicators to Climatic and Topographic Conditions”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (81). México, ME:59-82. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v15i81.1435.



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