Old leafy trees in the provision of ecosystem services in urban areas





Green Areas, i-Tree Eco, Urban Planning, Economic Value, Social Valuation


Mature, leafy trees are characterized by their large size and longevity. They provide many ecosystem services and sometimes are part of the cultural and historical heritage of cities. The objective of this research was to analyze the economic, social, and ecological value of mature, leafy trees in the city of Durango, Mexico. Through satellite images and field inventories, 83 trees were identified with the characteristics of size and longevity. Diameter at breast height, height, diameter and crown condition were measured, as well as temperature and solar radiation. A survey was administered to residents and park visitors to learn about their perceptions of the importance of these trees. The inventory data were analyzed in the i-Tree Eco v6 platform to determine the quantity and economic value of the ecosystem services. Mature, leafy trees in this city store about 1.3 CO2 tons per year, intercept 375 kg of particles smaller than 10 µm, and their substitution value was estimated at MXN $23.6 million. From data taken under and outside the canopy, a difference between 400 and 1 200 Wm2 of intercepted solar radiation and between 6 and 20 °C of temperature was calculated. Derived from the factor analysis, the questionnaires revealed three latent variables, in this order: "disservices", "benefits" and "existential values". No significant differences in the factor scores were found among these variables. This information will allow city managers to define plans for the management and conservation of these type of trees.



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How to Cite

Pérez-Martinez, Martha Gabriela, Dr. Gustavo Perez Verdin, and Pablito Marcelo López-Serrano. 2024. “Old Leafy Trees in the Provision of Ecosystem Services in Urban Areas”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (81). México, ME:110-32. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v15i81.1428.



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