Uses of Juniperus gracilior var. gracilior Pilg. in rural communities of the Central Mountain Range in the Dominican Republic


  • Aridio Delgado Aybar Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña
  • Elí ISA University, Erik Leonard Ekman Herbarium (ELE). Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation Research Group.
  • Luis Enrique Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, Basic and Environmental Sciences Area, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.



bark, leaf, fruit, wood, traditional medicine, ornamentation


The species of the genus Juniperus have been widely used by humans as a source of phytochemicals, in traditional medicine and for timber harvesting; however, little has been known so far about the ethnobotanical uses of Caribbean species and in particular the taxa of Hispaniola, currently classified under different categories of threat. This work aimed to reconstruct the spectrum of ethnobotanical uses given to Juniperus gracilior var. gracilior by the inhabitants of 14 rural communities on the southern slope of the Central Cordillera. These human settlements are located near 5 population relicts of the gracilior variety where approximately 80% of the individuals of the taxon are found in natural conditions. Through field explorations, visits and structured interviews with local people, information was collected that indicates that 74.1% of the variety is used for timber for different applications, 25% for traditional medicine with important efficiency in the treatment of respiratory, digestive and menstrual cycle diseases, and 0.9% for ornamental and handicraft uses. The information generated in this research will serve as baseline knowledge for the development of conservation plans, management and potential use of the phytochemical, pharmacological and medicinal benefits of the endemic variety.


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Author Biography

Elí , ISA University, Erik Leonard Ekman Herbarium (ELE). Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation Research Group.

Biodiversity and ecology of vascular plants of Hispaniola and the Caribbean region. Urban ecology. Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation in productive landscapes. Agroecology and agroforestry. Natural resource management in fragmented landscapes.


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How to Cite

Delgado Aybar, Aridio, Elí Misael Bobadilla Peñaló, and Luis Enrique Rodríguez De Francisco. 2024. “Uses of Juniperus Gracilior Var. Gracilior Pilg. In Rural Communities of the Central Mountain Range in the Dominican Republic”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (83). México, ME:168-80.



Research note