Fires in Michoacán State from MODIS series (2015-2022) and their relation with climate


  • María Luisa España Boquera Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Omar Champo Jiménez Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • María Dolores Uribe Salas Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo



agricultural burning, dry tropical forest, precipitation, temperate forest, temperature, time series


Fires affect more natural surfaces than any other disturbance factor on the planet. They result from the interaction of fuel, dry environmental conditions, and an ignition source. In the state of Michoacán conditions are conducive for the annual occurrence of numerous fires. Remote sensing offers global, consistent and objective information on fires, with the generation of series of burned areas, such as the 500m MCD64A1 generated from MODIS data. The objective of this work was to analyze this series to know the fires that occurred in the entity between 2015 and 2022, considering vegetation covers affected (INEGI Series VII) precipitation and temperature. An average of 3 340.87 pixels with fires were recorded annually; 2021, during confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was the year with the most fires (5 269 pixels) and 2022 with the fewest (2 398). The fires are concentrated in the driest and hottest months, mainly May (1551.00 pixels on average) and April (958.38 pixels); the highest number was recorded in April 2021 (2 347 pixels), and the second month with the most detections was May 2020 (2 094 pixels). Most events are associated with agricultural burning (48.41%), mainly in irrigated land, in spring and winter. Forest fires significantly affect temperate forests and associated secondary vegetation (32.85%); in tropical deciduous forest areas (17.14%), fires occur mostly in secondary vegetation. In years with an early onset of rains (2015 and 2018), fewer fires accumulated.


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How to Cite

España Boquera, María Luisa, Omar Champo Jiménez, and María Dolores Uribe Salas. 2024. “Fires in Michoacán State from MODIS Series (2015-2022) and Their Relation With Climate”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (84). México, ME:54-80.



Scientific article