Effect of fire severity on Pinus shoots in Santiago, Nuevo León





adaptation, sprout, characterization, Pinus, regeneration, fire severity


The objective of the study was to characterize the trees and shoots of the genus Pinus by type of fire severity in Cumbres de Monterrey National Park. The fire severity was determined based on the difference in the Normalized Burn Coefficient. 60 circular sampling sites of 400 m2 were established to measure the diameter and height of both trees and shoots. Two types of tree conditions were identified: (1) Living burnt and (2) Charred; the latter comprised the highest number of individuals with shoots. Moderate-high severity recorded more trees with shoots (488 individuals ha-1). Of the total number of individuals sampled, 83 % corresponded to the species Pinus teocote, and 17 % to Pinus pseudostrobus. In the trees that exhibited shoots, the number of shoots per individual was recorded, in a larger quantity, in the low level of one to two shoots in the three severities. Low-severity corresponded to 864 shoots ha-1, moderate-low to 626 shoots ha-1, and moderate-high, to 994 shoots ha-1. As the diameter category increases, the probability of shoot occurrence decreases, as does the height. The ability to sprout could potentially determine the difference between the dominance in an area of pines versus other species after a disturbance.


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How to Cite

Yerena Yamallel, José Israel, Victoria del Pilar García-Ortuño, Luis Gerardo Cuéllar-Rodríguez, and Ángel Mario Reyna-González. 2023. “Effect of Fire Severity on Pinus Shoots in Santiago, Nuevo León”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 14 (79). México, ME:159-79. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v14i79.1370.



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