Models for determining allometric relationships in Juniperus deppeana Steud. in the state of Tlaxcala
allometric equations, forest management, threatened species, mixed effects model, juniper.Abstract
Quantifying the stocking of trees by means of allometric relationships within a stand favors better forest management, timber harvesting and helps to estimate losses due to illegal logging. The objective of this study was to represent in a quantitative way the allometric relationships between the variables of forest interest for Juniperus deppeana, a species of restricted use. Several allometric models were fitted with 1 096 pairs of data for stump (sd), normal (nd), and crown (cd) diameters, total height (Th), and volume (V) of trees of two growth conditions in natural forests of northern and western Tlaxcala State, Mexico. An average statistical improvement of 16.63 % in the explanation of sampling variability and a reduction of 18.53 % in bias were obtained by including the site as a random effect in the mixed-effects modeling approach. Validation of the estimates with data that are independent of the adjustment showed no significant differences. Consistently, the estimates of cd, Th, or V as a function of sd were conservative compared to when nd is used as an explanatory variable. Models , R2=0.8187; , R2=0.8195; , R2=0.6281, and , R2=0.9563 proved to be reliable for reconstructing the mensuration characteristics of trees in stands affected by illegal logging activities, and for accurately quantifying the actual stock of this species' forests, they can be a reliable option for Juniperus deppeana forest management plans.
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