Análisis de la estructura y diversidad de bosques templados en la ladera oriental del volcán Iztaccíhuatl, México


  • Prudencia Caballero Cruz Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Eduardo Javier Treviño Garza Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • José Manuel Mata Balderas Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Eduardo Alanís Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • José Israel Yerena Yamallel Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Luis Gerardo Cuéllar Rodríguez



Tree communities, species composition, density, diversity indices, Pretzsch index, IVI.


To analyze the structure and tree diversity of the temperate forest of central Mexico, a forest inventory was carried out in three communities of different tree associations (pine forest-BP, aile-pine forest-BHP, pine-oak forest-BPQ), and 50 sites of 500 m2 were randomly established in each one. The dasometric variables obtained were total height and normal diameter ≥ 7.5 cm. For each community, the diameter distribution was analyzed, the importance value index, the Pretzsch index and the diversity indices were estimated. A total of eleven tree species were found, with Pinus hartwegii dominating in BP and Alnus jorullensis in BHP. BPQ presented the highest density (272 N ha-1) and basal area (32.28 m2 ha-1). The Pretzsch index indicated that BHP and BPQ have a high mean evenness, and BP a low mean evenness in height diversity. The three tree communities showed a positive asymmetric distribution, with more trees in the first diameter classes. Overall, this study provides useful information on the diversity and structure of tree communities in the temperate forest of central Mexico, which can be used as baseline data for developing conservation or management plans.


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How to Cite

Caballero Cruz, Prudencia, Eduardo Javier Treviño Garza, José Manuel Mata Balderas, Eduardo Alanís Rodríguez, José Israel Yerena Yamallel, and Luis Gerardo Cuéllar Rodríguez. 2022. “Análisis De La Estructura Y Diversidad De Bosques Templados En La Ladera Oriental Del volcán Iztaccíhuatl, México”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (71). México, ME:76-102.



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