Monitoring of a reforestation wi Monitoring of a reforestation survival with native species of the Tamaulipas thorn scrub
The Tamaulipas thorn scrub (TTS) is a highly diverse ecosystem that has been affected by anthropogenic activities. Part of its restoration involves reforestation with native species that have the capacity to adapt to adverse conditions. In the present study, a reforestation carried out in 2018 with TTS species was monitored on a property with previous agricultural use. Annual survival was evaluated through a sampling of 10 aleatory and scattered lines, counting 30 continuous plants to evaluate the presence or absence of vigorous plants and their taxonomic identification. Maintenance and replacement activities of seedlings were carried out during the first two years (2019 and 2020), replanting species with the greatest survival rate in evaluations. In the third and last year, human intervention was stopped, therefore survival decreased to 28.67%. Survival index was 234 Ind/Ha, the most successful species were Cordia boissieri and Prosopis glandulosa with 68 Ind/Ha and 54 Ind/ha, respectively, while those with the least success were Condalia hookeri, Havardia pallens and Yucca filifera with zero Ind/Ha. SNK and Duncan test indicate that the year of 2021 was different from 2019 and 2020. It is estimated that survival decreases with the conclusion of maintenance activities and that the species that survive to the first period of plantation adapt efficiently to the ecosystem., Cordia boissieri A.DC., frost, line sampling, maintenance, Prosopis glandulosa Torr., survivalAbstract
The Tamaulipas thorn scrub (TTS) is a highly diverse ecosystem that has been affected by anthropogenic activities. For its restoration, reforestation with native species has been carried out in search of greater survival. In 2018, a reforestation was carried out with 15 native species of the TTS in a property with previous agricultural use in an area of 15.43 hectares in Los Ramones municipality, Nuevo Leon. During the first two years after reforestation, protection (individual protectors and fencing) and maintenance activities (weed control and plant replacement) were carried out. The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival of reforestation for a three year - period. A sampling of 10 random and scattered lines was used, counting 30 continuous plants to evaluate the presence or absence of living plants. For 2019, 2020 and 2021, survival values of 80.67 %, 95.34 % and 28.7 %, respectively, were recorded. The species that most successfully survived were Cordia boissieri (16.43 %), Prosopis glandulosa (10.67 %), Ebenopsis ebano (7.56 %), Diospyros texana (5.89 %), Ehretia anacua (5.22 %), Parkinsonia aculeata (4.22 %), Vachellia farnesiana (4.11 %) and Vachellia rigidula (4.00 %). It is concluded that the climatic conditions affected the survival of the plantation, the selection of native species to be used determines the success of survival and that the protection and maintenance activities must be established according to the requirements of each species and maintained until the permanence of the plantation is ensured.
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