Survival and growth of root of tender and lignified cuttings of lemon cypress with different substrates and rooting agents




Indole-3-butyric acid, Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. ex Gord. var. lutea, cuttings rooting, vegetative propagation, asexual reproduction, tree cloning


Cuttings rooting allows to propagate ornamental plants that are difficult to reproduce from seeds. The lemon cedar (Cupressus macrocarpa var. lutea Topacio) is widely used for ornamental purposes. In this work we evaluated the effect of two substrates (base mixture and perlite), four commercial rooting agents (Radix® 1500, Radix® 10000, Raizone® Plus y Raizplant® 500) plus a control (absence of rooting agent), and two maturity conditions of the cuttings (tender and lignified), in the survival and the primary root´s growth of cuttings. The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design, with a 2*5*2 factorial arrangement. Each experimental unit consisted of 20 cuttings and four repetitions were used per treatment. The evaluation was carried out four months after the beginning of rooting. The response variables were statistically analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test and Dunn's test to compare paired means; also, the Dunnett's test of multiple comparisons of means was applied. The highest survival (45%) was achieved with perlite plus Radix® 1500 and lignified cuttings; meanwhile, the largest growth of the primary root (11.75 cm) was gotten with the base mixture, without any rooting agent and using tender cuttings. Although root growth was greater without rooting agents, it is recommended to use Radix® 1500 in order to promote callus formation on the cuttings and ensure higher survival. Substrate, rooting agent and type of cutting had influence on the survival and the growth of the primary root of cuttings of lemon cedar.


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How to Cite

Prieto Ruíz, José Ángel, Alberto Pérez Luna, Miguel Ángel Manríquez Santillán, José Ciro Hernández Díaz, Eusebio Montiel Antuna, and Jesùs Alejandro Soto Cervantes. 2022. “Survival and Growth of Root of Tender and Lignified Cuttings of Lemon Cypress With Different Substrates and Rooting Agents”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (73). México, ME:155-74.



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