Modelling diameter distribution of natural forest in Pueblo, Nuevo, Durango




Two-parameter Weibull function, parameter recovery method, sampling plots


The diameter distributions are an important factor in the stand characterization because the diameter is generally correlated with other variables such height, volume, biomass and this allow to know the kind products that can harvested from forests. The objective of this research was to develop a strategy to fit the Weibull, Beta and SB Johnson PDFs and reconstruct (modelling) the future diameter distribution with the parameter recovery method. In a first phase the goodness-of-fit of three probability distribution functions -PDF- (Weibull, Johnson’s SB, and Beta) was evaluated using the moments and the maximum likelihood methods to estimate the distribution parameters of 2 252 temporary sampling plots distributed in natural forests in Pueblo Nuevo, Durango, Mexico. In general, the best results in terms of accuracy and parsimony during the model fitting evaluated with the bias and the root mean square error were obtained with the Weibull’s PDF, fitted with the moments method was the best, while Johnson’s SB, and Beta were ranked in second and third position, respectively. Therefore, the two-parameters Weibull’s PDF was selected to describe the diameter distributions of the studied forest stands. The recovery parameters method suggested that a 62 % of evaluated sampling plots followed a Weibull distribution at 20 % of significance level with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.


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How to Cite

Vega, Alondra Anahí, Sacramento Corral-Rivas, José Javier Corral-Rivas, and Ulises Diéguez-Aranda. 2022. “Modelling Diameter Distribution of Natural Forest in Pueblo, Nuevo, Durango”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (73). México, ME:75-101.



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