Damage to infrastructure (pavement) caused by urban trees in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco


  • Tahamara Esquivel Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Sandra Quijas Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara




Total height, crown area, stem diameter, Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb, pavement, roots


A study was carried out to analyze the trees that, due to their inadequate location, cause significative damage to the infrastructure ―notably to the pavement of the urban green areas of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco―, describing the factors that explain the registered damage. A census of trees and palms was made in 14 parks and public squares. The level of damage was only evaluated in species with 10 individuals each, present in green areas. Three factors were evaluated in the individuals and green areas: a) biological (diameter at breast height, total height, and crown area); b) social (possibility of repairing damages), and c) environmental (distance of the tree to the pavement, mainly). In order to evaluate the level of damage to the pavement (no damage, little damage, moderate damage, severe damage), the condition of the infrastructure and the percentage of damage to the pavement were considered. Eighty-five percent of the 1,228 tree individuals did not exhibit any visible damage to the infrastructure (pavement) of the parks and public squares. Of the 20 species considered, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Ficus benjamina, Ficus insipida, Ficus lapathifolia and Simaruba glauca were the ones that caused moderate to severe damage. Stem diameter at breast height, total height, and crown area are the factors that significantly explain the damage to pavement. The results show that, if the damage caused by trees and palms to the infrastructure is to be reduced, it is necessary to know the biological attributes of the species in order to ensure sufficient space for their development.


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Daño a la infraestructura



How to Cite

Esquivel, Tahamara, and Sandra Quijas. 2021. “Damage to Infrastructure (pavement) Caused by Urban Trees in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 12 (68). México, ME:178-201. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v12i68.1166.



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