Effect of climatic variables on Dendroctonus mexicanus Hopkins (Curculionidae) from the Hidalgo forests
beetles, precipitation, standardized precipitation index, temperature, Abundance, bark beetles, seasonsAbstract
The temperature in northern hemisphere latitudes in the north seems to be the most important factor that determines the greater abundance of bark beetles, in the pine forests of north-central Mexico there are other climatic variables that influence this event. There is a relationship between the changes in the climatic variables that influence the changes in the abundance of D. mexicanus, such as temperature, precipitation, aridity index and standardized precipitation index in the pine forest of Hidalgo. This study consisted of monitoring the abundance of bark beetles using Lindgren-type traps. Observing in the results, a relationship is apparent between the abundance of D. mexicanus and climatic variables, among which the precipitation (r2 = 0.59) and the standardized precipitation index (r2 = 0.85) stand out. The increase in the abundance of D. mexicanus in pine forests in Hidalgo is related to changes in the regimes of climatic variables such as temperature, aridity index and especially with precipitation and standardized precipitation index.
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- 2022-01-10 (1)
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