BIOLOGÍA Y CONTROL QUÍMICO DE Synanthedon cardinalis Dampf. (Lepidoptera; Sesiidae) EN LA SIEl;IRA PUREPECHA, MICHOACAN


  • Adolfo Del Río Mora Investigador de la Red de Entomología, Campo Experimental Uruapan. CIFAP- MICH, INIFAP


Resin tapper butterfly, forest insect pest, bark stripping insect


In this study, the biology and habits ofthe resin tapper butterfly "Synanthedon cardina/is" (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), were observed. This is a bark stripping insect attacking mainly Pinus douglasiana and P. leiophilla plantations, two of its most important hosts. A generation ofthis butterfly lasts an average 170 days with 2 superposed: one in early spring and the other in the fall.
Sorne of the most important parasites of this butterfly are also mentioned, including wasps Hissopus rhyacioniae, Euderus sp. and Horismenus sp. (Hym: Eulophidae) and Lissonota sp. (Hym: lchneumonidae), a parasite ofthe Lepidopterum larvae.
Control chemical tests were conducted on the butterfly with 4 treatments and 3 repetitions following a random block design. Treatment included a blind dummy where no solution was applied. Another treatment consisted of applying a solution of metyl parathion (50%), in 2.5 ml/L ofwater to the tree wood. A solution of 3 ml. of gusathion M-20 in IL ofwater was injected to the tree. A fourth treatment consisted of removing the tree' s a:ffected parts "surgery" and then sealing it with bordalaise paste ( 1 kg. ofcupper sulfate and 1 kg oflime ).
The treatment outcome was subject to a fully random variance analysis with Turkey's comparison test. The surgery treatment showed a significant di:fference over the other treatments.
Since most biological studies and chemical control testing were conducted in two plantations, one of Pinus douglasiana and one of Pinus /eiophylla, located at 2 060 meters above sea leve) (m a s 1), where there are 5 spacings.


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How to Cite

Del Río Mora, Adolfo. 2021. “BIOLOGÍA Y CONTROL QUÍMICO DE Synanthedon Cardinalis Dampf. (Lepidoptera; Sesiidae) EN LA SIEl;IRA PUREPECHA, MICHOACAN”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (68). México, ME:3-27.