Topics and perspectives of scientific research on genetic improvement of perennial species in INIFAP


  • Miguel Angel Vallejo Reyna Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Centro Nacional de Investigación Disciplinaria en Conservación y Mejoramiento de Ecosistemas Forestales. México
  • José Vidal Cob Uicab Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. CIR-Sureste. Campo Experimental Chetumal. México



In vitro tissue culture, forest species, molecular markers, genetic improvement, vegetative propagation, selection


The increase in demands for goods and services, the degradation of ecosystems and climate change, compels the scientific community to seek efficient alternatives in the use and management of timber and non-timber forest resources, as well as other perennial plants such as fruit trees. For this reason, investing in the progress of agroforestry systems and the development of agroecology is an indispensable activity. Unlike annual plants in which the main breeding techniques involve hybridization and backcrosses, in species with a long life cycle, other methods are necessary to increase and improve the useful qualities to society. In this way, the benefits that are obtained from these species can be maximized and the ecological and environmental impact minimized. In Mexico traditionally greater importance has been given to agriculture over afforestation and forestry, activities that today are very important to mitigate the effects of climate change and for the conservation of ecosystems. However, some institutions such as INIFAP have made efforts that contribute to the development of the Mexican countryside through the genetic improvement of evergreen plants. This text seeks to highlight some important points regarding the history, techniques and some experiences of INIFAP related to this matter so relevant for the well-being of rural societies and the protection of biodiversity.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Reyna, Miguel Angel, and José Vidal Cob Uicab. 2021. “Topics and Perspectives of Scientific Research on Genetic Improvement of Perennial Species in INIFAP”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 12 (Especial-1). México, ME.