Optimal sampling strategy for timber inventory planning in commercial plantations of Tectona grandis L.f.





Sampling estimators, stratification by age class, forest inventory, Tectona grandis L. f., sample size, auxiliary variables., Sampling, estimators, stratification, forest, inventory, sample, size, teak, auxiliary, variables


The objective of this study was to evaluate the statistical efficiency of six sampling estimators to propose an optimal sampling strategy in terms of precision and time that allows conducting operational timber inventories that support decision-making aimed at improving the technical management of commercial forest teak plantations (Tectona grandis) established in Campeche, Mexico. Data used were from 8 830 sampling sites of a planted area of 2 207.5 hectares. Each sampling site was rectangular of seventy-two m2 included nine stocks, the number of living trees was counted and their diameter at breast height was measured. The total height and volume of each tree were estimated with Chapman-Richards and Schumacher-Hall models, respectively. Basimetric area and total volume per site were obtained and extrapolated at hectare. Plantations were stratified by age classes; the basimetric area and the age of the plantation were used as auxiliary variables. The sampling strategy to estimate the mean volume was formed by associating simple random sampling as the sampling design with the specific ratio estimator in stratified sampling, with a stratification by age classes of one year and basimetric area as auxiliary variable; this gave the accuracy of 0.21 %. The sample size in stratified sampling could be reduced to 68.3 % with an accuracy of 2.5 % of the original sample. This means less sampling effort and economies by reducing the time for forest inventory.


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Author Biography

Hector Manuel De los Santos Posadas, Postgrado Forestal, Colegio de Postgraduados

Héctor M. De los Santos Posadas

Profesor Investigador Titular en

Biometría y Manejo Forestal


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How to Cite

Urias, Juan Carlos Tamarit, Hector Manuel De los Santos Posadas, Arnulfo Aldrete, Jose René Valdez Lazalde, Hugo Ramirez Maldonado, and Vidal Guerra De la Cruz. 2021. “F”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 12 (68). México, ME:58-80. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v12i68.1074.



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