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Nutritional management of hybrid pine trees and use of indole butyric acid for cloning by cuttings


  • Rosmeri Cabrera Ramírez Colegio de Postgraduados, Posgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Campus Montecillo, México.
  • Marcos Jiménez Casas Colegio de Postgraduados, Posgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Campus Montecillo, México.
  • Miguel Ángel López López Colegio de Postgraduados, Posgrado en Ciencias Forestales, Campus Montecillo, México.
  • José Pastor Parra Piedra Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Venustiano Carranza. México.



Auxins, rooting, nutritional diagnosis, nutrition, donor plant, vegetative propagation


Young tree cuttings generally show low rooting rates, thus making cloning difficult. Fertilization and programmed pruning of the young trees help production of juvenile cuttings. The exogenous application of auxins promotes roots formation. This work analyzes the effect of nutrient management of four-year-old donor trees of the hybrid Pinus elliottii var. elliotti × Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, as well as that of the auxin Indolbuturic acid (IBA) on rooting of cuttings. In a complete block design with factorial arrangement, we evaluated the application of five nutrients or combinations of them to trees. The treatments and doses per tree were: control, nitrogen (80 g), phosphorus (20 g), magnesium (10 g) and nitrogen/phosphorus (80/20 g). Additionally, we tested two doses of IBA (0 and 3 000 ppm) on cutting rooting. Cutting survival, rooting percentage and root morphology were recorded after 90 days. Nutrient management and IBA improved morphology of primary and secondary roots, as well as rooting of the cuttings by more than 30 %, compared to the control treatment. This allowed greater survival of cuttings during the root formation process. Treatment with N+P gave rise to the best response, which was over 60 %, in all variables evaluated. Cloning of young trees of the hybrid by the technique of cutting rooting is possible with the support of a program of fertilization applied as a management practice for donor plant and the use of IBA as well.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, Rosmeri Cabrera, Marcos Jiménez Casas, Miguel Ángel López López, and José Pastor Parra Piedra. 2022. “Nutritional Management of Hybrid Pine Trees and Use of Indole Butyric Acid for Cloning by Cuttings”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (69). México, ME:132-54.



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