MÉTODOS DE PLANTACIÓN EN Cordia allior,ora (Ruíz & Pav.) OKEN BOJON


  • José Angel Contreras G. Investigadores del Campo Experimental Forestal. "San Felipe-Bacalar". Quintana Roo. CIR-Sureste. INIFAP
  • Bartola Rodríguez Santiago Investigadores del Campo Experimental Forestal. "San Felipe-Bacalar". Quintana Roo. CIR-Sureste. INIFAP


Planting methods, Cordia alliodora, tropical forest species


To set Cordia alliodora, four planting methods were tested: the root ball or bag method, the stump method, the root ball-stump method, and the bare root method.
Their effect on survival, total height and normal diameter of C. a//iodora was studied. Two years after setting the plantation, the results show no statistically significant differences between the planting methods used.
The survival rate ranged between 87% and 89% with the treatments tested. Total height ranged between 1.85 m and 2.46 m, while normal diameters ranged between 1.44 cm and 2.08 cm respectively.


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How to Cite

Contreras G., José Angel, and Bartola Rodríguez Santiago. 2021. “MÉTODOS DE PLANTACIÓN EN Cordia allior,ora (Ruíz & Pav.) OKEN BOJON”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 17 (72). México, ME:101-14. https://cienciasforestales.inifap.gob.mx/index.php/forestales/article/view/1067.