Differences in soil fertility in four commercial pine forest plantations in Amanalco, State of Mexico


  • René García Martínez TECNM-TES Valle de Bravo, División de Ingeniería Forestal
  • Felipe Neri Hernádez Soto Instituto Nacional de México, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Valle de Bravo
  • Jacqueline Emeterio Moreno Instituto Nacional de México, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Valle de Bravo
  • María Karina Colín Velázquez Instituto Nacional de México, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Valle de Bravo




análisis químico del suelo, suelos forestales, plantaciones forestales, diagnóstico nutrimental, calidad del suelo, carbono orgánico del suelo


In the Amanalco-Valle de Bravo basin, Mexico, most plantations are established on plots with an agricultural past and histories of soil management, which determined different initial situations of nutrient supply for the trees. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the fertility and organic carbon storage in the soil of four commercial pine forest plantations: (1) Rincón de Guadalupe (Pinus ayacahuite), (2) Loma del Rincón de Guadalupe (Pinus pseudostrobus), (3) San Miguel Tenextepec (Pinus patula) and (4) El Potrero (Pinus patula). In September 2022, soil sampling was carried out and the following variables were analyzed: pH, OM, SOC, N and P. The pH of the soil, in the Loma del Rincón de Guadalupe plantation, was neutral and in the others, moderately acidic. The plantations showed a low level of OM, except in El Potrero where a medium level was observed. The N concentration was higher in the plantations of El Potrero and Loma del Rincón de Guadalupe and lower in San Miguel Tenextepec and Rincón de Guadalupe. The P content was the following: El Potrero (11.9 %), Loma del Rincón de Guadalupe (8.2 %), San Miguel Tenextepec (1.4 %) and Rincón de Guadalupe (0.3 %). The SOC storage was highest in El Potrero plantation, followed by San Miguel Tenextepec, Loma del Rincón de Guadalupe and Rincón de Guadalupe. In conclusion, the forest plantations analyzed presented differences in soil fertility and C storage.


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How to Cite

García Martínez, René, Felipe Neri Hernádez Soto, Jacqueline Emeterio Moreno, and María Karina Colín Velázquez. 2024. “Differences in Soil Fertility in Four Commercial Pine Forest Plantations in Amanalco, State of Mexico”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 15 (85). México, ME:150-70. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v15i85.1462.



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