Morphometry and viability of Brosimum alicastrum Sw. seeds in the state of Campeche




Ramon tree, Calakmul, seed germination, Mayan nut, tetrazolium test.


Ramon tree (Brosimum alicastrum (ramón)) is a species endemic to southern Mexico. Due to its uses in animal and human food and its ability to regenerate degraded ecosystems, this tree has been included by the National Forest Commission in reforestation programs, increasing the demand for its specimens, seeds and fruits. Nevertheless, the species is distributed naturally with an incipient forestry management. The objectives of this research were to characterize the morphometry of seeds of wild populations of Ramon tree in the state of Campeche, and to determine the effect of temperature on the viability and germination of seeds under controlled conditions, through the tetrazolium test. Seeds were collected from four municipalities in the north of Campeche: X-Mabén, Sahcabchén, Hopelchén and Calakmul. Morphometric analysis revealed that the seeds with the best characteristics (size and weight) were those of Hopelchén and Calakmul. To determine the effect of storage temperature on the viability of the seeds collected, Calakmul seeds were used. Viability was found to last up to 70 days at storage temperatures of 4 °C with 90 % germination, while at 28 °C it was reduced to 30 days. It is concluded that 4 °C is an optimal storage temperature to prolong the viability of the seeds and guarantee the highest percentages of germination in the nursery. This information will be important in future forest management plans of the Ramon tree, contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of the species.


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How to Cite

Santillán Fernández, Alberto, Sandra Sugey Castañeda-Alonso, Eugenio Carrillo Ávila, Alfredo Esteban Tadeo Noble, Jaime Bautista Ortega, Javier Enrique Vera López, and Fulgencio Alatorre Cobos. 2023. “Morphometry and Viability of Brosimum Alicastrum Sw. Seeds in the State of Campeche”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 14 (77). México, ME:31-55.



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