Effect of three production systems on the physical fertility status of the soil


  • Jorge Luis Nuñez-Peñaloza Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • David Cristóbal-Acevedo Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Elizabeth Hernández-Acosta Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Antonio Villanueva-Morales Universidad Autónoma Chapingo




agricultural, grassland physical properties, rubber, sampling, soil fertility


The physical fertility of the soil is important, and land use systems can modify it. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of sampling depth (SD) and of the agricultural, forest and livestock land-use systems (LUS) on the physical properties of a tropical soil, and to establish whether the sampling type (ST) affects compliance with the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity, as well as the statistical significance of the effects of systems and depth. A simple soil sampling (SS) and a composite soil sampling (CS) were performed at 0 to 10 cm and 10 to 20 cm deep. Texture, bulk density, field capacity, permanent wilting point, usable moisture, aggregate stability, total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity were determined. The LUS had significant effects on field capacity and on the permanent wilting point with CS, and on aggregate stability with SS and CS. The only variable that showed statistically significant differences for the various SD was aggregate stability, with both types of sampling; these impacted the normality and homoscedasticity of data for bulk density and total porosity. The CS exhibited non-compliance with normality, unlike the SS, it also influenced the significance of the effects of LUS and SD, as well as their interaction with each other. The pasture system exhibited the most convenient values for the physical variables from the agronomic point of view.


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How to Cite

Nuñez-Peñaloza, Jorge Luis, David Cristóbal-Acevedo, Elizabeth Hernández-Acosta, and Antonio Villanueva-Morales. 2022. “Effect of Three Production Systems on the Physical Fertility Status of the Soil”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (72). México, ME:55-81. https://doi.org/10.29298/rmcf.v13i72.1279.



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