Importance of the cuticular layer during the colonization of the fungus that causes negrilla in Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck ssp. salmiana


  • Víctor Hugo Pérez España Escuela Superior de Apan, México
  • Jaime Alioscha Cuervo Parra Escuela Superior de Apan, México.
  • José Esteban Aparicio Burgos Escuela Superior de Apan, México
  • Mario Alberto Morales Ovando Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, Sede Acapetahua. México.
  • Teresa Romero Cortes Escuela Superior de Apan, México



The Agave genus plants represent a non-timber forest resource, valuable for soil recovery. The epidermis of the agave leaves contains multiple stomata and is covered by a cuticular layer. Currently, agave plants have a fungal disease that is characterized by circular gray spots on the maguey leaves, which over time become necrotic and eventually, these lesions end up drying them. The aim of this work was to describe the cuticular layer during the fungus colonization that causes bold in Agave salmiana subsp. salmiana. The cuticular layer is 121 mm ± 2.8 thick. A homogeneous distribution of the stomata was observed, and the density (22.67-27.67 stomata mm-2) and the stomatal index (10.61-14.15) were determined. Tetracytic stomata and isodiametric polygonal epidermal cells were identified, the ostioles size were calculated as 57.9 mm ± 5 long and 23.75 mm ± 1.25 wide. The transverse and paradermal sections showed that the fungal hyphae and appressoria are restricted from the obverse side of the cuticular layer, which confirms the importance of preserving the epidermis in the maguey pulquero leaves.


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2022-03-26 — Updated on 2022-04-12

How to Cite

Pérez España, Víctor Hugo, Jaime Alioscha Cuervo Parra, José Esteban Aparicio Burgos, Mario Alberto Morales Ovando, and Teresa Romero Cortes. 2022. “Importance of the Cuticular Layer During the Colonization of the Fungus That Causes Negrilla in Agave Salmiana Otto Ex Salm-Dyck Ssp. Salmiana”. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Forestales 13 (70). México, ME.



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